Majoritatea amintirilor mele din copilarie sunt cu mine desenand.
Desenam pe pereti, pe mobila, pe oglinda, pe caietele de la scoala, pe asfalt, pe bucati de lemn, peste tot. Toata lumea imi zicea ”Silvia pictorita” si asta mi-a intrat in cap. Ma gandeam ca asta voi face mereu, voi picta. Anii au trecut, ”Silvia pictorita” a crescut, iar acuarelele, pensulele nu mai erau in atentia mea. N-am urmat un liceu sau o facutate de arta, asa cum imi doream cand eram mica. Aveam alte vise, alte planuri pe care le-am ”impachetat” si le-am luat cu mine la Bucuresti. Aici m-am lovit de un zid, am dat de alta lume, diferita de Galatiul meu natal de unde plecasem cu atat entuziasm. Mi-am dat seama ca nu e de mine sa am un job la birou, sa fac acelasi lucru in fiecare zi, sa am un program fix. Copilul artist din mine incepea sa se trezeasca si sa ma implore sa fac din nou ce imi placea cel mai mult, sa pictez. Si am inceput din nou…
Au trecut 10 ani de atunci. In tot acest timp am pictat camere de copii sau sali de curs din gradinite. Am pictat zeci de tablouri personalizate. In 2018 am inceput prima mea colectie de tablouri unicat, ”Emotii” si am avut prima expozitie.
De aici, povestea mea continua…
Most of my childhood memories are with me drawing. I drew on the walls, on the furniture, on the mirror, on the school books, on the asphalt, on wooden pieces, everywhere. Everybody called me “Silvia, the little painter” and that got into my head. I was thinking… “this is what I will always do; I will paint.” Years passed, “Silvia the little painter” grew, and watercolors, brushes were no longer my focus. I have not attended an art school of any sorts, as I wanted when I was little. I had other dreams, other plans that I “packed” and took to Bucharest.
Here, I hit a wall, met another world, different from my native city, Galati, from where I had so enthusiastically left. I realized that having an office job, doing the same thing every day, or having a fixed schedule were not for me. The child in me began to wake up and begged me to do what I liked the most: paint. And I started again. It’s been 10 years since then. During this time, I painted walls and dozens of personalized paintings. In 2018, I started my first collection of unique paintings: “Emotions” and I had my first exhibition. From here, my story continues…